Monday, October 20, 2008

Google Does More than Just Search

If one were to ask what Google is, the answer more likely than not would be: “easy, it’s a search engine”. While that answer would not be incorrect, it is however, incomplete. Google offers many other services to individuals as well as Boston Interactive Agencies, much like the one I work at.

There are many products besides search that Google offers, some of which I never knew about, others that I had simply forgotten about. One of the more interesting is called Gapminder. Gapminder is a great product for those who enjoy finding statistics from all over the world. Graphs can be made, and statistics can be gathered from just about any topic of your choice.

Another great product that Google offers is Google Mobilizer which manages websites and configures them so they are mobile phone friendly. While the average Google user may not be very interested in this application, it can be very useful to Boston Interactive Agencies, and also Boston Web Design Agencies.

Another personal favorite is Google Ride Finder, which users the real time position of taxis, limousines, and shuttle services in major cities and tracks where they are via Google Maps, making for a fast and easy way to get where you need to go.

In today’s fast paced, get anything you want in an instant world, Google is making it easier and more interesting for internet users to receive and share information in continuously new and innovative ways.

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